Thursday, October 29, 2015

27 Weeks...Baby 101

Friday evening Joe and I picked up Nate and Callie and we all went to Geoff and Nicole's wedding at The Vue in downtown Columbus.  It was a beautiful and intimate wedding full of good laughs (who else can say their ceremony had Olive Garden jokes?!).  This was Baby L's second wedding.  Baby L made a much bigger appearance for this one and spent a good part of the ceremony dancing around in mama's belly (guess baby was ready to hit the dance floor).  Their wedding food was definitely a pregnant girl's dream. I devoured the shrimp, tacos, sliders, bacon wrapped asparagus, cake, what am I forgetting?! It was all delicious! Callie and I spent plenty of time dancing, and I realized quickly baby mama here just can't quite jump around like she used to.  Joe and I even got to dance to "You Are The Best Thing" which was our wedding song (and no we don't remember any of the moves). I was exhausted by the end of the night from all the dancing/socializing and passed out on the couch as soon as we got home (luckily Joe's family had gotten to our house while we were at the wedding, but were doing the exact same thing).
Mom, Daddy, and Baby!
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Bortel!
Saturday and Sunday were spent visiting with Linda, Jeremy, Nikki, and Greer.  Saturday we made Joe sweat a lil bit while Jeremy and Nikki were out shopping.  Linda and I decided Joe would be in charge of the diaper change.  I think we made him nervous and he felt tricked, but it was a success. We all watched the OSU game together at the house Saturday night.  Sunday Jeremy and Nikki decided we were trustworthy enough to watch Greer while they went to campus for the 4 Miler (I mean I guess we are going to be coming home with one of our own in a few short months).  We were going to be meeting them a little bit later with Greer.  It was quite the experience for these soon to be parents, and we definitely got a little taste of what is to come  We both have had plenty of hands on time with babies, but never going out in public on our own.  Fortunately they were nice enough to leave Grandma with us, so we at least had that resource to fall back on haha!  It is quite the process loading a baby into a car seat, getting them into the car (and don't forget the diaper bag and other goodies), feeding while driving (Thanks Grandma!), cleaning up spit up, getting the stroller out and baby loaded, then unloading out of the stroller to sit in the stands to watch the runners.  All the while trying not to freeze poor Greer to death because it was a cold day down on campus.  To all the parenting pros reading (and laughing at us) this would be no big deal at all, but for two rookies who aren't used to all this baby equipment it was quite the adventure.  We mostly passed our test for Baby 101, although I did get us a ding for my bad diapering in a rush and battling dog noses (Sorry Nikki!).

The rest of the week was spent catching up, working, and making sure the baby registry was done before invites start going out for the baby shower.  Simple things are getting a little more tiring now that I am getting bigger, so I am trying to spread it all out.  Joe and I are both nesting and have so many things we want to get done around the house before baby gets here, all on top of the normal day to day chores.  Oh and it is also getting harder to tie my shoes and shave my legs with this belly.

Baby is the Size of a Rutabaga

New for baby this week? About 14.5 inches long and 2-2.5 lbs.  Brain activity getting more complex.  Sleeping and waking in regular intervals.
Total weight gain/loss?  I think about 20 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Considering most of my non-maternity shirts are officially too short, and most of my "baggy" tees are now tight...they are definitely a necessity.
Stretch marks? Still none of my belly.  A couple little ones on my!
Sleep? I seriously can't get enough.  I can get a great nights sleep and still take a nap.
Best moment this week? Baby 101
Miss Anything? Not getting a little winded just from carrying laundry up the stairs.
Movement? It is becoming more and more frequent.  I stop what I am doing a lot when I notice movement just to enjoy the show.  Joe can even see my belly move when he is sitting on the other couch.
Food cravings? Chocolate milk.  This has been a staple for awhile now.  I also broke into the Halloween candy a few days early...
Anything making you queasy or sick? I felt super nauseous this morning at work.  It was really hot in the OR ( is usually cold) but the feeling went away after I sat down for a few minutes and had some water.
Gender?  Abigail guesses boy (which she said she normally doesn't have strong feelings about these things but she kept looking at me and thinking boy)
Labor Signs? Still noticing Braxton Hicks once or twice a week.
Belly Button in or out?  It is so close to popping out.  I could almost see it through my shirt the other day.
Wedding rings on or off?  On.  I have not had any swelling in my hands or feet yet.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy...I'm growing a baby!  I really am going to miss being pregnant and feeling baby move around all the time. 
Looking forward to? Halloween.  Finishing the nursery.

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