Thursday, October 8, 2015

24 Weeks...Baby's First 5K

Baby Lude, Buddy, and I all ran in the 5K for K9's Saturday morning at Alum Creek.  It was a great event put on by Friends of the Shelter and 100% of the proceeds go towards funding for the medical care of dogs at the Franklin County Dog Shelter.  It was of course the coldest day we've had so far this fall.  The plan had been to walk it since I have not ran since before I found out I was pregnant.  So I was very surprised to find myself running the entire 5K (I was cold and had to pee so it really seemed like my best option).  Buddy and I took it nice and slow, and I actually felt pretty great.  I was pretty impressed with my chunky fur baby for running with me and now I wish we had been running together the entire pregnancy.  The next day I paid for it though, my legs and hip flexors were so sore!  Guess that is what I get for doing a "pregnant couch to 5k" in one day!  I was pretty impressed to see a few people out there running with their dog and pushing a stroller.  Maybe that will be us next year.  Anyone who knows Joe and I know that we LOVE dogs (Buddy and Izzy are nothing less than our furry children).  Hopefully we can instill this love for animals into Baby L.  Buddy, Baby L and I ran a 35:54 and placed 87/227 runners!

Daddy shouldn't you be running with us?!
Almost finished!
That afternoon we hung out with Laura and Andy at the Chuckeye Football Party.  Baby L was very happy about the awesome food.  We cheered on our Buckeyes to another W, but it was a close one.  We have high hopes for an awesome delivery blanket from OSU come the end of January.  Baby L will be born a buckeye either way and we need to remember not to get ahead of ourselves here and take it one game at a time.  Babies deliverered at OSU always come home with some sort of Buckeye Baby Blanket.  Some of the best are for Beat M!CH!G@N week, but babies last January got National Championship blankies, and the rest of the babies in 2015 get "Born A Champion".   So we'll just keep on cheering for our Buckeyes!!

Progress on the nursery ended up coming to a stand still this week.  We had a run of good weather so we had to work on staining our deck which was long overdue.  Worst project ever!!!  And especially not a fun project for a prego to help with.  I was so sore from crawling around out there.  I also had a hormonal pregnancy meltdown on Day 2 of deck staining when it was hot and bugs were attacking me.  So the fur babies, Baby L, and I took a nap until it cooled down.  We woke up refreshed and I was ready to be more helpful. The deck project is 95% complete thanks to all of Daddy's hard work (daylight has not been on our side so we still have some small sections to finish and areas to touch up, but we are almost there).

We made a trip to Home Depot for more molding  because we didn't have enough to finish our nursery project (and Joe is wanting to work on hanging more crown in other bedrooms too).  Daddy and I spent way too much time there...and Mama's back was killing her, making her very not helpful when Daddy needed input.  So Home Depot was cause of almost pregnancy meltdown number two (for both Mommy and Daddy) of the week. Needless to say we are happy to have the deck and shopping trip behind us so we can get back to working on what we actually enjoy.
Daddy project planning.
Buddy and I testing out the glider we put together.  He is a great helper. 
Izzy being entertained by Daddy and his picture frames.
Baby is the Size of an Ear Of Corn (or a Cantaloupe)
Oh yea...I also chopped off about 5 inches of my hair this week.  Mommy hair I guess :)
New for baby this week? Weighing in at almost 1.5 lbs and is gaining 4-6 oz. a week now.  Brain and lungs are growing quickly.  24 Weeks is apparently a huge milestone and with each passing week from here on out baby gets closer and closer to being able to survive in the outside world on their own.  I am happy with Baby brewing in Mommy until full term though :)
Sleep?  Hit or miss.  I know I have been over doing it this week making me very sore.  So some nights it has been hard to get comfortable.
Best moment this week? Running the 5K with Buddy.
Movement? Baby loves to move when I am at work!  It's so fun :)
Food cravings? Milk
Happy or Moody most of the time?  Happy but definitely some mood swings in there this week.
Looking forward to? My Mom, sister Renee, and Jaden visiting this weekend.

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