Sunday, March 7, 2021

28 Weeks...My Last Third Trimester Ever

28 Weeks. Baby is the Size of an Eggplant

Total Weight Gain/Loss? 18 lbs.
Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? I am starting to wake up more frequently to pee. Also having some pregnancy insomnia every now and then. But generally feeling rested, and sneaking in naps when I can.
Best moment this week? Seeing Grandpa and Lil. It had been a year (since Brannock’s 4th birthday party) since we had seen them because of Covid. 
Miss Anything? Not really.
Movement? The movements are getting bigger and more frequent, I love it!
Food cravings? I am just snacky :)
Anything making you queasy or sick? No. Still hate the smell of beer though. 
Gender?  Bran has been saying boy. Renee also thinks boy,
Labor Signs? No 
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On, and surprisingly without any problems 
How is mama feeling? Definitely feeling the added weight. Honestly I feel great when I keep busy and moving. Workouts feel really good! It’s when I sit or lay around for too long that I feel sore.
Looking forward to? St. Patty’s Day! Temps in the 60’s!

I am officially in my third trimester. I can’t believe it!!! This pregnancy has flown by. My second trimester was amazing! I felt physically great. I have continued working out 3 or 4 times a week and I really think it has helped minimize my aches and pains. I am really embracing this pregnancy. I have always enjoyed being pregnant, but being my last I am trying to soak it all in. I am definitely busy chasing the other kiddos around, but when I get the chance to sit and just feel those baby kicks I take full advantage. I hope I can enjoy the third trimester. I know things get uncomfortable and tiring, but I will never get this experience again and it makes me kind of sad to think about. We also still haven’t picked a name. We probably have 10 boy and 10 girl names...and a bunch of random middle names to possibly go with them. We need to get serious about this baby naming stuff!

So one of the funny moments of the last couple weeks has been Amelia’s new obsession with having me join her in wearing a dress so that we can watch The Greatest Showman and dance. The kids are so obsessed with this movie and have been for awhile. But my involvement in the dancing and dress wearing is a new thing. Although there are times I feel busy, and the timing is a pain...I am trying to enjoy it! One day they won’t want me to do these things anymore.

Joe seems to have had a lot of bad call weekends lately. Those weekends are very tiring for me because I pretty much play single Mom for the weekend. The kids often fight for my attention, which can get exhausting. I have no idea how I am going to juggle those weekends with 3 kids. It is overwhelming to think about...but I know we will all adjust and learn to help each other out and make the best of it. We spent the last solo weekend baking cookies, having a movie night, and adventuring out to the park when the weather was finally decent. 

At Bran’s request, we went to visit Jaden to help him celebrate his 17th birthday. He picked out a lego set for him and made sure to help Jaden build it. Jaden was very patient letting him help, it was sweet. Amelia pretty much chases their new puppy Winston around the whole time, she is obsessed. We have been so happy we have been seeing so much of Renee, Aaron, and Jaden this past year. The kids ask about them constantly. We also stopped by Great Grandpa’s house to visit before we left town. That visit was so good for the soul and so needed after a year of not seeing them in person. Grandpa kept sitting on the kids when they stole his chair and they were just belly laughing. I think Amelia reminds Grandpa a lot of me as a little girl, she is my mini me. I really hope we get to see more of them now (we are all vaccinated too which makes it so much easier to not worry). They also play in this same goofy foot stool/storage container every time we go there. Bran is almost too big to fit! Family time is the best time. I can’t wait for our new little one to meet everyone!

Also, the other funny (but not funny when it’s happening) thing happening lately is Amelia keeps picking a fight with Dada in the morning because she wants to wear her swimsuit to school. He’ll call me at work and she will just be sobbing. He got her out the door in a St. Patty’s day dress the other morning in place of the swimsuit, and she may have thought there was going to be a party at school, haha! Dada does a lot of the morning drop offs when I go to work early, getting 3 out the door could prove to be very “fun” for him.

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