Saturday was a sad day in Buckeye Country. Joe and I went to campus to tailgate for the OSU vs. MSU game with Jeremy and Nikki, and our friend Matt. It was fun being on campus for the big game, and we luckily snuck over to Matt's tailgate before it started pouring! We left about halftime so Joe could go home and relax (he was on call and found out a heart transplant had been scheduled for later that evening), and I headed over to The Pub for Brian's surprise 30th birthday party. Alison hadn't seen the bump in awhile and was loving all over it. Baby Lude would not give up their secret when Alison asked for a "kick if you are a girl" or "kick if you are a boy". I also got to catch up with Ashley, who is guessing boy since I am carrying just like she did (and the Harris' were also surprised with a lil boy recently!). It was great catching up with friends. Sadly the Buckeyes lost the game 17-14 in the final seconds to a Michigan State field goal, bringing to an end our 23-0 winning streak. Sorry Baby Lude but it looks like you won't be receiving a "National Championship" or "Born a Champion" blankie from the hospital at the end of January after all.
Hanging out in front of The Shoe before the rain. |
After the rain started. I stole Daddy's hoody for the day. |
At my first biweekly OB checkup I got to meet one of the other OB's (there are only 3 in this practice which was a huge draw). Baby's HR was 145 BPM, which seems to be about where the HR has settled. My blood pressure was a little higher than it has been but still within normal range and not of any concern at this point. My belly is measuring 32 cm, about a week ahead of schedule. I also put on 3 more pounds in the last two weeks...yikes! Apparently my weight is still within normal range. But let me tell, I can definitely tell I am lugging around some extra weight! We also scheduled the last of my weekly appointments up until my due date. We talked a lot about kick counting, how many contractions are normal, signs of preterm labor, and when I should be calling the OB office. Currently baby is positioned head down, so lets keep our fingers crossed he/she continues to behave. Wow things are getting real! Next appointment is in a couple weeks. Joe will be coming with me since we'll get getting another peak at Baby L! Can't wait to see how the little one is growing.
We have made a ton of progress this week on the nursery. I am the mastermind behind furniture assembly and was able to get most of it done while Joe was at work. Then we'd throw it all together when he got home. Joe also installed a ceiling fan. It is really starting to look like a nursery now with all of the furniture.
Fish Eye View (Daddy loves to play with his camera) |
We spent Thanksgiving in Joe's hometown. All of the family got together at Aunt Jenny's. There were lots of guesses as to whether Baby L is a boy or a girl, but I'd say it is pretty evenly divided. I spent a lot of time catching up with Joe's cousin, Megan, since her due date is fast approaching. Joe got to spend time outside with his brothers, nieces, and nephews throwing around the football.
We have so much to be thankful this year. Just to name a few we are thankful for new jobs that have brought us closer to family (and friends!) which we have been blessed to see more of in the last 10 months than we have in years. A new home (with a great yard for our fur babies, and a swingset waiting for Baby L) to make memories in with our growing family . Our biggest blessing this year is Baby L, for which we are thankful every day is growing and thriving in mama's belly. We can't wait to meet you in early 2016 Baby L!
Baby is as Big as a Pineapple
Happy Thanksgiving!
Baby bump has really taken off in the last 10 weeks. Crazy to think I still have 9 more to go! Thankful for maternity shirts! |
New for baby this week? Weighing in at about 3.3 lbs and about 18 inches long (quickly approaching birth length). Turning their head, having a growth spurt and plumping up. Baby's irises dilate and respond to light. More defined sleep patterns.
Total weight gain/loss? 27 lbs
Sleep? Lots of weird nights where I am up a lot and can't get back to sleep. But then I'll sleep great other nights.
Best moment this week? Turkey Day
Movement? Movements are getting much stronger. I can tell Baby L is getting bigger. Baby L has also been getting the hiccups a lot, especially after I eat something spicy.
How is mama feeling? Overall still very good. Staying energized even though I am not sleeping as well. Everything in moderation is key.
Looking forward to? Baby Showers!
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