Thursday, November 19, 2015

30 Weeks...Work Baby Shower & Nursery Progress

One of my favorite and sweetest coworkers Julie (who works per diem with me at both OSUMC and Doctors Hospital) threw a perfusion baby shower for us at her house.  It was such a great day and we really enjoyed spending time with all of the perfusionists and their families outside of work.  We are going to be in great company because everyone seems to have lots of lil kiddos running around.  We've really missed our coworkers in Asheville but somehow we managed to hit the jackpot twice and have some pretty awesome coworkers here in Columbus too.  Our boss Jim provided booze for all the non-pregos.  And Julie had an awesome spread of pulled pork sandwiches with all the fixins'.  Needless to say no one left hungry.  My boss from Doctors, Rick, has a wife that has a cake business.  They surprised us with a beautiful cake that matches our nursery theme! The top layer was almond with raspberry filling, and the bottom layer was chocolate peanut butter (with reese cups, yum!). We have been spoiled with gorgeous weather and got to spend the afternoon outside enjoying some sunshine, not bad for a mid November shower.  Baby L received lots of Target gift cards and few other baby goodies.  Our favorite was the Boss Baby's hilarious! Thanks y'all for your generosity and great company.  Baby Lude, Joe, and I all feel very loved.
Mommy and Daddy
Thanks Rick and Re for the beautiful cake!
Baby L's first diapers...and many more to come!
OSUMC perfusion crew.  Eric, Dave, Chad, Me, Greg, Joe, Mary, and Julie.  (Missing Jim, Bill, and Rick...and a few others who sadly weren't able to attend).
Spending a little time in the glider reading Boss Baby.
We also watched the OSU vs. Illinois game with the Mayhills and Bortels this week.  Poor Lily wasn't feeling very well and had a few blow outs and baths during the game...ah yes another taste of parenthood to come.  Lily is still adorable and it is so fun to see her on the move now, she is getting so big.  We can't wait for Baby L and Lily to have play dates. I also had a craft night with Laura and Juliana, and Laura came over to help me make Mama Linden cookies!
Our new winter wreaths.
Joe is officially done with all of the molding and touched up all of the paint in the nursery. He was very fixated on a lot of little details, and at times I thought he was a little crazy.  Now that he is done with all of the finishing touches I have to admit it really turned out better than I could have ever imagined. Baby L is going to have a beautiful nursery all thanks to Daddy. Next step is to install the ceiling fan and build the furniture, oh and keep Joe out of Lowe's so he will stop trying to pick out my Christmas presents there.
Apparently every pregnant girl wants one of these for Christmas?

College Game Day is here for the OSU vs. MSU game this weekend.  It's an important game and will play a big part in who makes it to the Big 10 Championship and ultimately the National Championship.  They started setting up on The Oval so we took advantage of checking out the set on our lunch break.  It's really great being right on campus.
Our future buckeye baby in front of University Hall.
Setting up on the oval.
Dave, Joe, Eric, and I.
Baby is the Size of a Cucumber
New for baby this week? Weighs greater than 3 pounds and measures about 16.5-17 inches. Shedding lanugo now that they are regulating their own body temp. Hitting a max on the amount of amniotic fluid so lots of space to flip around.
Sleep? It's been a rough week.  Baby loves to have a lil dance party when I go to bed and again at about 5 in the morning (even when I am not working).  It tends to be so much movement it is waking me up and I am having a hard time getting back to sleep because it goes on for so long.
Best moment this week? Work Baby Shower
Miss Anything? Great Lakes Christmas Ale
Movement? Very large movements that make my entire belly move.  Joe and I love watched baby move all around.  It happens very frequently throughout the day.  Also experienced baby having the hiccups this week after the baby shower.
Food cravings? Milk (in cereal or chocolate milk)
Anything making you queasy or sick? I had a horrible night this week where I felt very sick and I didn't get any sleep.  Fortunately I felt better by morning and it hasn't happened since.
Have you started to show yet? If you show in scrubs you show in anything :)
Gender? I called Baby L a "he" the other morning without meaning to. Maybe it is a sign?
Belly Button in or out? It pops in and out some days (weird) depending on what Baby L is doing and where he/she is settling.
How is mama feeling? A lil more tired this week from the crazy sleeping. Back gets sore in certain chairs or when I walk around for a long time.  I am learning I need to do everything in moderation. But overall very good :)
Looking forward to? OSU vs. MSU game festivities. Thanksgiving.

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