Sunday, November 29, 2015

31 Weeks...Gobble Gobble

Saturday was a sad day in Buckeye Country.  Joe and I went to campus to tailgate for the OSU vs. MSU game with Jeremy and Nikki, and our friend Matt.  It was fun being on campus for the big game, and we luckily snuck over to Matt's tailgate before it started pouring!  We left about halftime so Joe could go home and relax (he was on call and found out a heart transplant had been scheduled for later that evening), and I headed over to The Pub for Brian's surprise 30th birthday party.  Alison hadn't seen the bump in awhile and was loving all over it.  Baby Lude would not give up their secret when Alison asked for a "kick if you are a girl" or "kick if you are a boy".  I also got to catch up with Ashley, who is guessing boy since I am carrying just like she did (and the Harris' were also surprised with a lil boy recently!).  It was great catching up with friends.  Sadly the Buckeyes lost the game 17-14 in the final seconds to a Michigan State field goal, bringing to an end our 23-0 winning streak. Sorry Baby Lude but it looks like you won't be receiving a "National Championship" or "Born a Champion" blankie from the hospital at the end of January after all.
Hanging out in front of The Shoe before the rain.
After the rain started. I stole Daddy's hoody for the day.
At my first biweekly OB checkup I got to meet one of the other OB's (there are only 3 in this practice which was a huge draw).  Baby's HR was 145 BPM, which seems to be about where the HR has settled. My blood pressure was a little higher than it has been but still within normal range and not of any concern at this point.  My belly is measuring 32 cm, about a week ahead of schedule.  I also put on 3 more pounds in the last two weeks...yikes!  Apparently my weight is still within normal range.  But let me tell, I can definitely tell I am lugging around some extra weight!  We also scheduled the last of my weekly appointments up until my due date.  We talked a lot about kick counting, how many contractions are normal, signs of preterm labor, and when I should be calling the OB office.  Currently baby is positioned head down, so lets keep our fingers crossed he/she continues to behave. Wow things are getting real! Next appointment is in a couple weeks.  Joe will be coming with me since we'll get getting another peak at Baby L! Can't wait to see how the little one is growing.

We have made a ton of progress this week on the nursery.  I am the mastermind behind furniture assembly and was able to get most of it done while Joe was at work.  Then we'd throw it all together when he got home.  Joe also installed a ceiling fan.  It is really starting to look like a nursery now with all of the furniture.
Fish Eye View (Daddy loves to play with his camera)
We spent Thanksgiving in Joe's hometown.  All of the family got together at Aunt Jenny's.  There were lots of guesses as to whether Baby L is a boy or a girl, but I'd say it is pretty evenly divided.  I spent a lot of time catching up with Joe's cousin, Megan, since her due date is fast approaching.  Joe got to spend time outside with his brothers, nieces, and nephews throwing around the football.  
We have so much to be thankful this year.  Just to name a few we are thankful for new jobs that have brought us closer to family (and friends!) which we have been blessed to see more of in the last 10 months than we have in years.  A new home (with a great yard for our fur babies, and a swingset waiting for Baby L) to make memories in with our growing family .  Our biggest blessing this year is Baby L, for which we are thankful every day is growing and thriving in mama's belly.  We can't wait to meet you in early 2016 Baby L!

Baby is as Big as a Pineapple
Happy Thanksgiving!
 Baby bump has really taken off in the last 10 weeks. Crazy to think I still have 9 more to go! Thankful for maternity shirts!
New for baby this week? Weighing in at about 3.3 lbs and about 18 inches long (quickly approaching birth length). Turning their head, having a growth spurt and plumping up.  Baby's irises dilate and respond to light.  More defined sleep patterns.
Total weight gain/loss? 27 lbs
Sleep? Lots of weird nights where I am up a lot and can't get back to sleep. But then I'll sleep great other nights.
Best moment this week? Turkey Day
Movement? Movements are getting much stronger.  I can tell Baby L is getting bigger.  Baby L has also been getting the hiccups a lot, especially after I eat something spicy.
How is mama feeling? Overall still very good.  Staying energized even though I am not sleeping as well.  Everything in moderation is key.
Looking forward to?  Baby Showers!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

30 Weeks...Work Baby Shower & Nursery Progress

One of my favorite and sweetest coworkers Julie (who works per diem with me at both OSUMC and Doctors Hospital) threw a perfusion baby shower for us at her house.  It was such a great day and we really enjoyed spending time with all of the perfusionists and their families outside of work.  We are going to be in great company because everyone seems to have lots of lil kiddos running around.  We've really missed our coworkers in Asheville but somehow we managed to hit the jackpot twice and have some pretty awesome coworkers here in Columbus too.  Our boss Jim provided booze for all the non-pregos.  And Julie had an awesome spread of pulled pork sandwiches with all the fixins'.  Needless to say no one left hungry.  My boss from Doctors, Rick, has a wife that has a cake business.  They surprised us with a beautiful cake that matches our nursery theme! The top layer was almond with raspberry filling, and the bottom layer was chocolate peanut butter (with reese cups, yum!). We have been spoiled with gorgeous weather and got to spend the afternoon outside enjoying some sunshine, not bad for a mid November shower.  Baby L received lots of Target gift cards and few other baby goodies.  Our favorite was the Boss Baby's hilarious! Thanks y'all for your generosity and great company.  Baby Lude, Joe, and I all feel very loved.
Mommy and Daddy
Thanks Rick and Re for the beautiful cake!
Baby L's first diapers...and many more to come!
OSUMC perfusion crew.  Eric, Dave, Chad, Me, Greg, Joe, Mary, and Julie.  (Missing Jim, Bill, and Rick...and a few others who sadly weren't able to attend).
Spending a little time in the glider reading Boss Baby.
We also watched the OSU vs. Illinois game with the Mayhills and Bortels this week.  Poor Lily wasn't feeling very well and had a few blow outs and baths during the game...ah yes another taste of parenthood to come.  Lily is still adorable and it is so fun to see her on the move now, she is getting so big.  We can't wait for Baby L and Lily to have play dates. I also had a craft night with Laura and Juliana, and Laura came over to help me make Mama Linden cookies!
Our new winter wreaths.
Joe is officially done with all of the molding and touched up all of the paint in the nursery. He was very fixated on a lot of little details, and at times I thought he was a little crazy.  Now that he is done with all of the finishing touches I have to admit it really turned out better than I could have ever imagined. Baby L is going to have a beautiful nursery all thanks to Daddy. Next step is to install the ceiling fan and build the furniture, oh and keep Joe out of Lowe's so he will stop trying to pick out my Christmas presents there.
Apparently every pregnant girl wants one of these for Christmas?

College Game Day is here for the OSU vs. MSU game this weekend.  It's an important game and will play a big part in who makes it to the Big 10 Championship and ultimately the National Championship.  They started setting up on The Oval so we took advantage of checking out the set on our lunch break.  It's really great being right on campus.
Our future buckeye baby in front of University Hall.
Setting up on the oval.
Dave, Joe, Eric, and I.
Baby is the Size of a Cucumber
New for baby this week? Weighs greater than 3 pounds and measures about 16.5-17 inches. Shedding lanugo now that they are regulating their own body temp. Hitting a max on the amount of amniotic fluid so lots of space to flip around.
Sleep? It's been a rough week.  Baby loves to have a lil dance party when I go to bed and again at about 5 in the morning (even when I am not working).  It tends to be so much movement it is waking me up and I am having a hard time getting back to sleep because it goes on for so long.
Best moment this week? Work Baby Shower
Miss Anything? Great Lakes Christmas Ale
Movement? Very large movements that make my entire belly move.  Joe and I love watched baby move all around.  It happens very frequently throughout the day.  Also experienced baby having the hiccups this week after the baby shower.
Food cravings? Milk (in cereal or chocolate milk)
Anything making you queasy or sick? I had a horrible night this week where I felt very sick and I didn't get any sleep.  Fortunately I felt better by morning and it hasn't happened since.
Have you started to show yet? If you show in scrubs you show in anything :)
Gender? I called Baby L a "he" the other morning without meaning to. Maybe it is a sign?
Belly Button in or out? It pops in and out some days (weird) depending on what Baby L is doing and where he/she is settling.
How is mama feeling? A lil more tired this week from the crazy sleeping. Back gets sore in certain chairs or when I walk around for a long time.  I am learning I need to do everything in moderation. But overall very good :)
Looking forward to? OSU vs. MSU game festivities. Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

29 Weeks...Last Pre-Baby Roadtrip

We spent a long weekend in Asheville.  It was our last long trip before Baby L arrives.  It is so hard to believe our next visit to the mountains we will have a baby with us.  We even brought Buddy along for the ride and he had a great time (Izzy had to stay back at the kennel for this one).
Selfie with our copilot Buddy.
Friday evening we hung out at Peg's house and she made us spaghetti and meatballs.  It makes us miss our Sunday dinners. On Saturday Joe ran in the Shut In Race.  The weather was warm and damp. It was Joe's 5th time running the 17.8 mile race, which is basically all uphill.  This year was one of the smaller groups I have supported as it was only Joe, John, and Mark.  We were able to be a part of Mark's 25th (and final) time running the race.  I hope Mark doesn't mind but I am stealing a few of his words because he is so great with them.  I think this quote perfectly describes what this race, and Coach, have brought to Joe over the last 5 years.
"As with most everything else in life, the relationships I formed running the race have been the most memorable thing about it. I've been lucky to bond with some incredible people. Been fortunate to help a few folks grow to love it as much as I have. Had some beautiful early fall Saturday morning training runs, shuttling cars back and forth. Been fortunate to drink some great beer with great people telling some great stories along the way.

As I said, much more than just a race. A touchstone for many years that I was lucky to have participated in. May it continue to serve this purpose for others."- Mark Ruscoe
Buddy supporting Daddy.
Even without sunshine the mountains are beautiful.
Joe and Mark.  5th and 25th Shut In.

Joe, John, and Mark.
The rest of the weekend was spent catching up with friends.  Lance, Jennifer, the kiddos, and Rosfjord all visited us at the Ruscoes' house Saturday night while we were hanging out watching football. Joe and some of the guys checked out a new brewery downtown Sunday afternoon. I had brunch with the girls, followed by a spa day at the Grove Park Inn.  The spa is pretty extraordinary and was awesome to experience once.  They have a bunch of pools and hot tubs (which sadly mama couldn't go in).  It was quite an experience being pregnant in a bikini and I was thankful for the big robes.  If I am ever prego in the summer I will need to invest in one that fits better! My maternity massage was a much different experience this time around since Baby L was moving around the entire time.
I miss these girls!  Posana with Lindsey, Laura C, Laura B, and Kara.
Monday we went spent the afternoon visiting with Nick and got to see his new house.  He even has four mini goats, they are so cute and hilarious!  That evening we went with Peg and the Ruscoes to see the Sierra Nevada Brewery which is right down the road from where we used to live.  We had breakfast at Tacobilly with Peg Tuesday morning, further solidifying Asheville as the best breakfast place!  Joe and I made a quick visit to Mission Hospital to say hi to all of our old coworkers before leaving town.  They were all excited to see the baby bump in person.  We really miss all of our old coworkers! I am sure we will take Baby L for a visit to Asheville to meet everyone sometime next spring or summer.  Thanks y'all for a great visit and all of the southern hospitality!
Aren't they the cutest?!  Notice they even wear little bow ties.
Peg, Mark, and I in front of the Sierra Nevada Brewery.
I had a checkup at the OB on Wednesday.  All is well, and she didn't even harp on how big my belly was this time (maybe it is old news at this point? haha).  The craziest part was I had to make 4 appointments before leaving the office.  I have officially graduated to appointments every 2 weeks instead of 4.  I will be meeting the other two OB's from the office and getting one more ultrasound with my OB at about 33 weeks.  Then by New Years I will be going once a week.  I also have a list a recommended pediatricians to visit and we need to sign up for baby classes.  Baby L is going to be here before we know it!

We had a little visitor at our house Tuesday evening.  We may live in the city, but I am pretty sure Baby L is going to know exactly what a deer is.  We have them in our yard all of the time, but this was a first!
"Bambi" resting in our yard.

Baby is the Size of an Acorn Squash

New for baby this week? Weighs close to 3 lbs, and is measuring about 16-17 inches.  Forming lots of white fat.
Total weight gain/loss?  24 lbs!
Stretch marks? Still no belly stretch marks :)
Sleep? Generally still very good, except for the occasional baby party in my belly keeping me awake for a bit if I get up to pee.
Best moment this week? Asheville! Some very refreshing advice from a friend about breastfeeding. Pregnancy announcements! (Lots of babies coming!)
Miss Anything? Being able to bend over easily.
Movement? Baby had a couple "quiet days" which made me nervous.  But I could also tell Baby L shifted after my spa day (mostly because afterwards it got harder to breath just sitting on the couch) so I think movement was just different than I had been used to, and I wasn't sitting still myself much.  But now Baby L has settled back in and is kicking like crazy.
Food cravings? None.
Have you started to show yet? One of my old Asheville coworkers suggested a twin was hiding...hah!
Gender? Jane-girl, Jackie-boy, Lindsey T-girl.  Something else very odd for me is all the people who found out they were pregnant way after us now finding out what they are having before us.  But still zero regrets on not finding out the gender :)
Labor Signs? Braxton Hicks continue which OB says is completely normal.
Belly Button in or out? Well it popped back in after baby shifted while I was floating around in the pool at the spa.  But has since started popping back out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.  No swelling in my hands or face.  Had my first experience with my feet swelling during the 7 hour car ride to Asheville.
How is mama feeling? Great! My movements are more careful and slower (probably putting me at normal pace).  I am intrigued by the extra attention I get at places like the grocery store because I don't feel like I need the extra help yet.  My OB offered a hand to help me get off my back after measuring my belly which was new. 
Looking forward to? Work baby shower.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

28 Weeks...Happy Halloween/Third Trimester!

Our Trick-Or-Treat was on Thursday evening.  We passed out candy at our house for a little bit before going to hang out with Nate and Abigail (who are also expecting their second and getting very close to delivery day). Saturday we went to Laura and Andy's house to help pass out candy.  They were dressed up and we were a little bummed we hadn't planned Halloween costumes (we have gotten second and third place in the past at Halloween costume contests in Asheville, so it was very unlike us).  When we got home that night we decided to at least take advantage of painting the baby bump.  We enjoyed some Hallween music while painting our  lil "bumpkin".  It really tickled when Joe was painting, especially around my belly button.  I couldn't see much while Joe was painting so I had to anxiously await his masterpiece.  We had a lot more fun with this than we expected, and took full advantage with some funny pictures since we never know if I will be preggers on Halloween again (or if we would even have the time!).  It'll be interesting to hear Baby L's reaction when we show him/her this one day.
An artist hard at work (with the only view I could see).  And his finished masterpiece.
You can see Baby L has been sitting a little off center in my belly.
Side view.
Fish Eye Lens.  Now that's a pumpkin!
Happy Halloween!
So after Halloween I started coming to the realization it was November and now we have officially entered the third trimester!!  Only 3 more months to go! It is exciting and a lil scary.  Doctors appointments will become more frequent and it'll be interesting to see how Baby L settles in.  I will apparently be packing on a pound a week for the next 12 weeks. It's even crazier to think we will be responsible for a newborn, and are anticipating many sleepless nights ahead.  Mostly we are just so excited to find out whether we will be bringing home a son or daughter.  In the meantime we feel like we have so much to get done.  The nesting has definitely kicked in (I think even Daddy has the bug).  On top of needing to complete the nursery we seem to be digging into more and more little home projects, both planned and unplanned.  We got a ton of rain and discovered a leaky window.  Which on top of repairing/cleaning also started the tear down of the curtains we hated in that room.  This of course snowballed into tearing down the curtains upstairs that we hated.  So all of the curtains from the previous homeowners are now gone and now we have some redecorating to do (see told you we were nesting).  Fortunately since all the rain we have been spoiled with some gorgeous warm weather (a rarity for this time of year in Ohio) so we have been able to get some outdoor home maintenance done while enjoying the sunshine.  I spent a beautiful afternoon trimming all the landscaping in preparation for winter while Joe had the chance to stain the swing set (we didn't buy it, we were lucky enough to inherit it from the previous homeowners).

Baby is the Size of an Eggplant

New for baby this week? Weighs 2-2.5 lbs and measures 14-15 inches.  The brain has developed more tissue and now has grooves. The baby has also developed a more regular sleep schedule of 20-30 min intervals.
Total weight gain/loss? 20ish lbs
Stretch marks? So far so good :)
Sleep? Sleep is officially getting interrupted again by having to pee once or twice a night.  I seem to have a harder time getting back to sleep afterwards, but once I do I sleep like a baby.
Best moment this week? Bumpkin Painting
Miss Anything? Not having to worry about what I eat.  It will be nice to go to a restaurant and not have to think about if it is okay to have the cheese that is on something.
Movement? All the time! I can't stop thinking about how much I will miss this.
Food cravings? None.
Have you started to show yet? So the comments have begun...both of judgement that I am "so tiny and only carrying a basketball", or "woah, you still have 3 more months?!"
Gender? I will say I am officially leaning towards boy and I am not sure why.  But to be honest deep down I thought girl initially.  So now I am confused!
Belly Button in or out? Stretched out (it's funny seeing where my belly button piercing holes have ended up) and ready to pop!
Wedding rings on or off? On and actually pretty loose.
How is mama feeling? Overall still very good.  I still have energy, although the workout days (yoga, etc) are gone, but I have just been so busy.  I am still hopeful to get to a prenatal yoga class at some point.  I do walk the dogs a lot at least. I painted my toe nails for the last time of this pregnancy, I will be getting pedis from now on it is just too hard.  I also upgraded my scrub top to a bigger size after almost getting stuck when I was at work the other day.
Looking forward to? Our long weekend in Asheville.