36 Weeks. Baby is the Size of a Papaya
Total Weight Gain/Loss? 26 lbs.
Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? I feel like I have a good setup with the pillows and am sleeping pretty good (as long as crazy old lady Izzy isn’t waking me up all night for treats). Also getting a nap in every now and then, it helps!
Best moment this week? Visit from Grandma and Grandpa Roelle, and Great Grandpa and LilMiss Anything? Nothing really
Movement? Yes, but the movement is changing. I can tell baby is getting more crowded. Also gets the hiccups a lot.
Food cravings? Cookies
Anything making you queasy or sick? No
Gender? I am getting so excited to find out soon!!!
Labor Signs? No, but lots of Braxton Hicks. I also feel like the baby has dropped some?
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off, but mostly because I got paranoid with it getting a little warmer I would swell and they would get stuck which is a terrible feeling! They probably still fit.
How is mama feeling? I am mostly in disbelief it is baby month! This pregnancy has flown by. One minute I am so excited to meet this little one and find out what you are. The next I am not ready to be done being pregnant. (Which obviously means I am still way too comfortable! Haha)
Looking forward to? Weekly appointments from here on out! Mother’s Day
Gender? I am getting so excited to find out soon!!!
Labor Signs? No, but lots of Braxton Hicks. I also feel like the baby has dropped some?
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off, but mostly because I got paranoid with it getting a little warmer I would swell and they would get stuck which is a terrible feeling! They probably still fit.
How is mama feeling? I am mostly in disbelief it is baby month! This pregnancy has flown by. One minute I am so excited to meet this little one and find out what you are. The next I am not ready to be done being pregnant. (Which obviously means I am still way too comfortable! Haha)
Looking forward to? Weekly appointments from here on out! Mother’s Day
So my weekly appointments are going to be on Wednesdays, so really at the 36.5 (etc.) week mark. This weeks update was mostly uneventful. I am about a fingertip (or 1cm) dilated. Contrary to how I am feeling the baby has not dropped and I am not effaced. She said it was unlikely that I go into labor this weekend, which is probably a good thing since Joe is on 1st call. Dr. Turner said she is on call Memorial Day weekend (my due date), but we can discuss at the next appointment possibly scheduling an induction sometime that week before. I am 39 weeks on Sunday May 23rd so the absolute earliest would be that Monday. So Joe and I will have to discuss, and I also need to look and see how long I plan on continuing to work. I forgot to ask what the Covid rules were for labor and delivery. I will have to ask next time.
In other news it’s business as usual with the kids. School (Amelia moved up to Pre-K one with Ms. Angie and Ms. Bridget who both had Bran), swimming, baseball, and playing outside as much as possible. We had two sets of visitors, Great Grandpa and Lil, and Grandma and Grandpa Roelle. I am a terrible person and didn’t take any pics. But the kids really enjoyed the company! We hadn’t seen Grandma and Grandpa since last July! But now that the Covid vaccine is readily available and summer is coming, I really hope we can continue to see more of everyone.
The weather has been super crazy! We had a late April snowstorm that dumped 4 inches of snow, and we were able to let the kids get in their swimsuits and play on the slip n slide a week later! Gotta love Ohio weather. Hoping spring is here to stay now!
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