Saturday, February 6, 2021

24 Weeks

24 Weeks. Baby is the Size of a Package of Oreos

Total Weight Gain/Loss? 12 lbs
Maternity Clothes? My favorite pair of maternity pants (my first pair ever, from when I was pregnant with Brannock) ripped a hole right in the crotch. I had to throw them away I was so sad!! I have one pair of jeans left that I kind of hate because they are uncomfortable. I ordered a new pair from Target that may go back if I don’t them. Then it might be leggings all day everyday!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Loving my sleep. I added a body pillow and another pillow and usually get pretty comfortable snuggled up with them one way or another.
Best moment this week? Celebrating Brannock’s 5th birthday.
Miss Anything? Not really
Movement? I am feeling a ton of movement now. And this week I think it’s finally getting big enough to feel from the outside. Although everyone Dada tries to feel it, baby stops! Haha
Food cravings? I have still been loving cuties, and Oreos.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No
Gender?  Unknown
Labor Signs? I am starting to get quite a few Braxton Hicks contractions. I have some pretty much everyday.
Belly Button in or out? Outing
Wedding rings on or off? On
How is mama feeling? Good! I am really enjoying this pregnancy. I have been able to stay very active and feel great physically. 
Looking forward to? Spring....but it is unfortunately looking like February is going to be our coldest winter month yet. And my winter coats are getting dangerously close to not zipping.

This past month flew by! We have been keeping busy. Brannock and Dada have had some boys days, while Amelia and Mama have had some girl time. Wow spending time with one kid is so incredibly easy!! The boys have been going to the Chiller to ice skate and Bran seems to be enjoying himself, even if he is learning to make funny faces like Dad!

Brannock and Amelia really are the best of friends. I love watching them grow and play together. I hope Baby L 3.0 can be just as close!

For Brannock’s birthday we went to a trampoline park! We also had some friends over for cake and ice cream. What was intended to be a low key Covid friendly celebration, ended up being the absolute perfect day celebrating the little man.  We also collected things for a Time Capsule for Brannock to open on his 18th birthday. I really just can’t believe he is 5. Brannock is the perfect big brother of the family.  He is funny, outgoing, loving, loves trying new things, and is just an all around great kid. I am so lucky to be his mama! Amelia also wore 3 different outfits for Bran’s big day. She was butt naked changing into her swimsuit at one point ,and stripped naked in front of everyone to put on a dress Grandma Lude gave her towards the end of the party lol.

Bran’s actual birthday was on a Monday and was spent celebrating with his friends at school.  He made sure I documented that he is almost as tall as me now that he is 5 (a little over 44 inches!). At his request we had sushi for dinner. And I got a picture holding all 3 of my babies. I hope to try it again before the end of this pregnancy,  but these kids are heavy!!

We have been out playing in the snow! I am looking forward to warmer days, but am happy we are finding fun where we can! The kids love it.

Photo Ops

Amelia wears a dress and Elsa rain boots to school every single day.

24 Weeks Pregnant with all 3 kiddos!

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