Baby is the Size of a Quokka
New for baby this week? About 18 inches and 5 lbs., lungs, brain and central nervous system reaching finals stages of development, baby is using Mama's immune system to build their own up, peeing a pint a day
Total weight gain/loss? 25 lbs.
Sleep? Pretty good. Getting up more frequently to pee. Had my first charlie horse the other night. I forgot how terrible those were for me at the end of my last pregnancy.
Best moment this week? Valentine's Dinner with Joe
Miss Anything? Bending easily.
Movement? I am surprised how different movement feels with this baby. It is probably due to my anterior placenta acting as a cushion. Movements, although frequent, just aren't as large and visible from the outside like they were with Bran.
Food cravings? Oreos and milk
Labor Signs? I have some Braxton Hicks contractions pretty much every day.
How is mama feeling? Really good, even better than a couple weeks ago honestly.
Looking forward to? Getting as much rest and relaxation as possibly. I have been taking advantage of napping when Bran naps on my days off.
It has been a pretty uneventful last couple of weeks. I am still working 3 days a week, so between that and keeping up with Bran it keeps me busy. At my last checkup with my OB I got some interesting news. Apparently she tore her hamstring a few weeks ago when she had fallen on some ice and it is going to require surgery. Although she will be back in the office in a few weeks, she is unfortunately going to be out of the hospital/OR for 6 weeks until she can get off of crutches. We are both kind of bummed this runs right up to my due date, but she is hopeful she will be able to deliver for me again. Of course there is always the chance of having a baby in the middle of the night and getting another doctor anyway. So fingers crossed! I am just thankful I will at least get to see her at my last few weekly appointments. And now I have to see the other two OB's at my first weekly appointments, which already start next week, yikes!
Nesting is in full swing. I got all of Bran's old clothes sorted and labeled (in case we have another boy) and dug out of all the gender neutral items. The amount of clothes they go through in the first year is insane! I didn't realize just how many clothes we had until I dug them all out at once, and I feel like I don't even get that much stuff for Bran. And the newborn clothes are so tiny! I can't believe we are going to have a tiny baby home with us again in just 6 short weeks.
Dada is also "nesting", or maybe he is just playing into Mama's nesting? I really want to get the entryway painted, so he has been hard at work getting all of the trim and molding fixed up and painted. I would love to have it done before baby gets here, but we'll see?? Projects just don't go as quickly around the house these days with our little helper.
I had Valentine's Day off and spent it goofing around with my little man. Bran got gifts from his first little Valentine's this year, Frankie and Maddie. He is going to miss them so much when he switches to daycare this summer. Joe and I also got an adult night out and had an excellent dinner at Oscar's! Hopefully we can sneak out for another adult night before Baby L 2.0 is here.
While I was cleaning out the nursery I came across the Old Wives Tales answers from Bran's baby shower. I ended up having 10 girl and 5 boy predictions, which obviously ended up being wrong.
So lets see how my answers add up this time:
Heart Rate- girl (but not by much, just over 140 just like Bran's HR)
Legs- girl
Moody- boy
Chinese Chart- girl
Clumsy- boy
Sleep Side- both, but more boy
Carrying- girl
Hubby Gained Weight- girl
Morning Sickness- girl
Skin- boy
Feet- girl
Dreams- ????? none so far
Headaches- girl
Mayan Gender Predictor- girl
So that makes 10 girl and 4 boy predictions for Baby L 2.0. Will the Mayan's be right again?!
Photo Ops
We are now Friday regulars at the Dublin Rec Center preschool open gym. Bran loves it! |
"Tea party" with friends. |
Dinosaurs need crackers too. |
I guess he thought they needed a bath? |
My sensitive pouting when the babysitter said he had to wait to get home to have crackers after a trip to the grocery store. |
Still "helping" feed the dogs... |
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