Saturday, December 2, 2017

22 Weeks

Baby is the Size of a Guinea Pig

New for baby this week?  About 1 foot tall and 1 pound, baby sleeps 12-14 hours/day, practicing movement, touch, and balance when awake
Total weight gain/loss? 8 or 9 lbs.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep? Normal
Best moment this week? Feeling so much movement!
Miss Anything? Not really.
Movement?  Movements are much bigger now, although this baby seems to always be shy when Daddy is around.
Food cravings?  Oreos and milk
Anything making you queasy or sick? No. 
Labor Signs? I get some Braxton Hicks contractions occasionally. They feel much stronger earlier on than I remember last time. Or maybe I am just more aware?
Belly Button in or out?  Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
How is mama feeling? Overall pretty good, although definitely feeling more pregnant than I did a couple weeks ago
Looking forward to?  Getting ready for Christmas

We met the Mayhills at the first night of Wild Lights at the Columbus Zoo. It was a short visit for us because Bran was tired (it was a work day) but it was totally worth it to see Bran and Lily laughing and dancing together at the music and lights show by the lake. I really hope we can find a nice night to make another quick visit this season. 

Santa's Reindeer

I took Bran to get his first haircut at Cookie Cutters. They have a great setup with a play area while you wait, and each kid gets to sit in a cool chair and watch something on Netflix during the haircut. He did really well.  The only part he didn't really like was when she took scissors close to his neck. I was sad to see the baby curls go (and we even waited until after we took family pictures), but now I love his new little haircut.  He definitely looks like a little boy now.

Well Baby L 2.0 is working on giving Bran his official "eviction notice". Baby will be moving into the nursery, so we are keeping all of that the same.  But we needed to get started on Bran's "Big Boy Room". As you can see, we have a lovely Barney purple to paint over once Daddy finishes putting up the crown molding. We also converted Bran's crib into a toddler bed this week, and used the rail that will go on his big boy bed for safety.  So far he has done great! He loves the independence of being able to climb in and out on his own.  Mr. Independent doesn't even want to hold our hand when stepping out. We haven't had any trouble with bedtime or naps so far.  He has been asking for "night night",  Then he climbs right in, asks for his blankie (he wants covered up), and starts blowing kisses. It is so sweet. For a couple naps he did yell a bit and climb out of his bed after we left the room, but he gets right back in on his own to go to sleep.  So fingers crossed he keeps this up, and we have an easy transition to his new room here in a couple months.

For Thanksgiving we spent a couple nights at Jeremy and Nikki's (and brought the dogs along so the 3 amigos could hang out). They refinished their basement and Bran now had his own little room (the closet lol), he thought it was the best! We had Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Debbie's with all of the Lude family. Greer and Bran had a lot of play time together all weekend, they loved it. We also stayed around on Saturday to watch OSU beat Michigan!

Boys will be boys. Zane and Bran trying to break in to the safe.

Greer teaching Bran how to do it. He was a pro by the end of the weekend.

Bran riding Chocolate Brownie.  Joe's Grampy made him!

Daddy helping out with the goats, Olaf and Sven. 

Greer is not a very good driver yet! haha

Stop picking your nose Bran!

Future Buckeyes

They could be twins.

After we got home from Thanksgiving we got out all of our indoor Christmas decorations.  And as always, Bran was very helpful. He is also enjoying all of the extra amazon packages getting delivered. 

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