Sunday, September 10, 2017

10 Weeks

Baby is the Size of a Tetra Fish

New for baby this week?  Fingers and toes are no longer webbed, diaphragm is growing, eyes moving into their proper place.
Total weight gain/loss? -1 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? No.
Stretch marks? No.
Sleep? As much as I can get. 
Best moment this week?  Labor Day
Miss Anything? Not really.
Movement? No.
Food cravings? No. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Lack of sleep. 
Have you started to show yet? At night I look like I have a tiny bump, but in general no.
Gender? I think I am starting to be sold on not finding out again.
Labor Signs? No.
Belly Button in or out?  In. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
How is mama feeling? Tired and nauseous. Every time I get a good day (or two) it sneaks back up on me.
Looking forward to?  Fall. Even though I am really sad to see summer come to an end. OSU vs. Oklahoma game.

Wow, week 10 of 40.  Already a quarter of the way there.  Now that is hard to believe. Even with not feeling the best, this pregnancy is just flying by.  This second round is just so much busier with already chasing a toddler around.  I swear the holidays will be here, then Bran's birthday, and then it will be time for a baby before I can blink. 

It has been a pretty low key week for us.  Work, errands, and the normal routine just seem to make the days fly by.  Joe was on second call Labor Day weekend and spent a lot of time at the hospital.  Luckily these call weekends are spread out but we sure do miss him when he gets stuck at work. I am not looking forward to juggling these kinds of weekends by myself with a newborn and toddler, but I am sure those days will be short lived. Joe did got some time away Sunday afternoon.  Just in time for Grandma Roelle, Aunt Renee, Uncle Aaron, and Jaden to visit.  We had a cookout at our house and enjoyed the sunshine (which was appreciated after a couple cold/rainy days). We all went to Handel's for ice cream after dinner.  Bran was a riot.  He kept going from person to person to get a bite of ice cream, although I think Grandma's orange sherbet was his favorite.  We let him run off some of the sugar at the park afterwards.  Of course he immediately went for the biggest slide on the playground, and then that was all he wanted to do.  This kid has no fear.

Apparently I need to buy his own pair of Buckeye shoes since he was obsessed with Uncle Aaron's.
Don't tell Mom but Aunt Renee stole me a bite of potato salad.

Although it isn't officially fall, the cooler temperatures have sure made it feel like it.  Plus Buckeye football has started, and we got our first win over Indiana! This little man is going to be sad to see the warmer temperatures slip away.  He sure loves to sneak outside in just a diaper whenever he can, which he took full advantage of one toasty afternoon (which has been rare these days).

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