Saturday, April 1, 2017

Bran...February-March 2017

And Here Go The Toddler Years....

We have been keeping pretty busy since Bran turned 1.  Brannock is loving toddler life and soaking up new experiences and words every day.  We have had lots of family and friends visit (which I have gotten really bad at always remembering to get photos). His new favorite things to say are "p-shoo" (about his poopy diapers or stinky feet),  "eww", and "uh oh".  He also says "woof" for pretty much any animal. It's really cute! He will try to repeat about anything you say these days, and he even mastered the phrase "thank you".  He doesn't always use it in context but it is adorable either way. And by far his favorite word is "Dada".  We often hear him saying it repeatedly as soon as he wakes up in the morning.  He is such a vocal kid, we honestly have given up on the baby sign language.  He has really taken to wanting to verbally communicate what he wants, like drink, which sounds more like "dink". Bran loves milk and wants some as soon as he gets up, otherwise he is very crabby.  Instead of him throwing a fit we have been trying really hard to just get him to ask for a drink. It's a work in progress but we are getting there.

We spent the first part of February passing around a stomach bug.  Bran started it off by throwing up in his crib in the middle of the night.  It was a total "mom fail" moment because he was screaming in his crib (very unlike him) and we could see on the monitor that it almost looked like there was some kind of wet spot.  But in true Brannock fashion our amazing sleeper quickly soothed himself and went right back to sleep without another peep so we never checked on him. We felt terrible when we saw he had thrown up the next morning.  There were pieces of orange (which to be honest hasn't been his favorite food since) caked all over the sheets, gross! So Bran spent the rest of the week with diarrhea, but acted fine.  He is typically the best sick kid ever I swear.  Unfortunately Mommy and Daddy picked up the same bug, so it turned out to be a pretty miserable week.  We cancelled our Valentine's Day plans because we were all sick.
The sickness hadn't hit Daddy yet, he was working on trim.
I was feeling rough!
Mom's cutest crush on Valentine's Day.
Bran's cousin Gabe celebrated his 6th birthday in February, and we all got to play at Ohio Valley Gymnastics.  Bran had a great time trying to run around like the big kids.
We stayed the night with Jeremy, Nikki, and Greer that weekend.  Some of the cows were having babies so we headed over to the farm to check it out.  Bran borrowed a pair of Greer's farm boots, they were so cute! He liked walking around in the dirt but was definitely holding on tight walking around on the uneven surfaces.
We got spoiled with yet another mild winter, and some unseasonably warm temperatures in February and March. It's hard to believe it's almost April and we never even got to play in the snow or try out the sled!. But on the bright side we have been enjoying a lot of sunshine.  Bran absolutely LOVES being outside.  He has actually started asking to go outside and sometimes starts to throw a mini toddler tantrum when we make him come inside.  He quickly mastered walking on the sidewalks, and by the end of March finally conquered his fear of walking in the grass.  All it took was throwing one of the dog tennis balls around in the yard! Now he is unstoppable.
We have been spending a lot of time with the Mayhills.  Lily and Bran play so well together, even if they are both learning to share. We have enjoyed some cookouts and even "moved in" with the Mayhills for a few days while the flooring demolition was going on in our house. It was just like old times, just with a couple toddlers added in the mix.
Checking out the new floors during installation.
Nikki and Greer brought Grandma Lude to town to get surgery on her hand.  It was a quick trip and I watched Bran and Greer during the procedure.  They always play great together.  I saw a small glimpse into Bran being jealous of Greer playing with his toys, but he quickly got over it.  Greer is definitely more willing to sit still and will more than happily watch a show.  Bran will have none of that silly sitting still stuff. It was funny to watch them eat together too, Bran sure is a little piggy in comparison! I can tell Bran is getting taller because Greer isn't towering over him anymore, and he has weighed more than her for awhile.
Bran has started to enjoy playing upstairs in his room more.  Probably in part to us having to basically live upstairs for a week while the floors were being replaced downstairs.  He often jumps and plays in his pile of stuffed animals.  One night Joe and I were upstairs getting ready to give Bran a bath.  I was getting some things together for his diaper bag.  Bran had pooped and Joe got him changed and set him down naked for a minute before heading to the bathtub.  Well that minute of being naked is all it took for him to take a seat on his big stuffed dog and take a big poop right on him.  I only knew it had happened after I saw him running around with a leftover dingle berry on his butt.  I guess he wasn't done pooping when Daddy changed his diaper, boy he got us good! Bran went straight to the tub, while I gave his doggy a bath and blow dry.  What a night!
Bran and the puppy both cleaned up from the incident.
Bran is a boy with no fear.  Another bath incident happened when I was downstairs getting ready to start some laundry while Joe was running the bath.  Joe stepped away for two seconds to throw some jeans down to me and Bran made his move and went and dove right into the bath by himself still in his diaper.  We heard the splash and instantly panicked.  When we walked into the bathroom he was standing there in his (yet again) poopy diaper absolutely soaked.  Minus a small bump on his head he was completely fine. But now we know we can't take our eyes off of the wild man for a second, especially around water! Sounds like it is time for swim lessons. 

Photo Ops
Swimming at the rec center with the babysitter and her girls.
Big baby, little crib.
Riding in the car at Home Depot.
Helping mama clean the new floors.
Love his long lashes.
His new favorite thing to do is play in Mommy and Daddy's shower.
The three amigos.  Also Bran's first day in shorts this year.
Play date with Henry.
When you get "stuck" crawling under the crib.
Tornado sirens called for a trip to the basement.
The curly rat tail. 
So this is where you have been hiding the girl scout cookies?!
Oh I see how it is Mom, you get the camera out every time I eat something messy.
I am glad you find this funny Mom.

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