Thursday, December 24, 2015

35 Weeks...Twas The Night Before Christmas

"Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Baby Lude soon would be there!"
Merry Christmas Eve!  Can't believe Baby Lude will be here in just 5(ish) weeks.  Even harder to believe that this time next year we will have an 11 month old with us celebrating Christmas.  We couldn't be more excited! We are loving all of the Christmas cards filling our cupboards.  And I also bought my first clothing items for Baby L for Christmas (Can you believe I resisted 35 weeks?! It is much easier when you don't know what you are having!)
Mama's first outfit bought for Baby L
Some of our Christmas cards.
Last weekend Joe and I took the dogs up to Elyria to celebrate Christmas with my family.  We visited my Grandpa at work on Saturday and watched OSU basketball beat number 4 ranked Kentucky.  That evening Joe and I went to Wolfey's for dinner with my Mom.  Afterwards we watched some football and Christmas Vacation, one of my favorite Christmas movies! Joe and I also stopped by Finwood Estate to see the awesome Christmas lights. of the few cold nights we have had this winter.
We made a quick visit to our boss Jim's lake house Sunday morning while we were up there since it is only 20 minutes from my parents' house.  I think we are going to need to get Baby L a little life jacket so we can go play at the lake next summer!   My sisters and their families all came over to my parents' house on Sunday afternoon for family Christmas.  We enjoyed a yummy meal and then exchanged gifts.  Sometimes I can't believe how old my nieces and nephews are getting!  Claire thinks I am having a baby girl (which would be good for her since Cameron and Jaden are older and too "cool", so I am sure she would love a little girl to play with).  But Claire was really not sure what to think of my belly and she kind of stared at it with a horrified look if I wasn't sitting down on the floor playing with her.  She barely touched it one time, and when we went to hug to say goodbye she stayed as far away and to the side of me as possible so that it didn't touch her. It was hilarious!  Baby L and the fur babies received nice gifts from Grandma and Grandpa.  Joe and I got an awesome new coffee maker (something tells me we'll really be appreciating that here soon!).
Grandpa Jeff picked out the outfit for Baby L!
Laura and I met up on Monday afternoon for manicures and lunch.  It was nice to have a girls day since those will be few and far between here soon (unless I bring Baby L along of course).  Afterwards we walked around the mall for a bit, and by the time I got home I was exhausted!

I had a checkup on Tuesday with the last OB I had not met.  It was a very low key appointment.  Baby L is still being cooperative and staying head down, and all of my numbers are right on target.  This OB was curious how our families and friends felt about us keeping the gender a surprise.  And after listening to the heartbeat she laughed and said well a HR in the 140's sure doesn't even give you a hint at the sex of the baby based on the old wives tales.  What can I say Baby L enjoys the secret as much as we do! So now I am officially on weekly appointments from here on out and will be back with my regular OB.

As for Christmas Eve, we are spending it here in Columbus.  It is our first Christmas in our new home!  Looking forward to a quiet evening with Joe and the fur babies, and maybe checking out some Christmas lights.

Baby is the Size of a Coconut
I wore this same shirt last Christmas (lets just say its a little snug).  I think I did a better job of fattening Santa up this year :)
New for baby this week? Starting to max out on height but will continue to pack on about an ounce per day. Basic physical development is mostly complete.  Weighs about 5.5 lbs.
Total weight gain/loss? 31 lbs.  I am reading that weight gain can slow or even decrease the last month...I'd be okay with that!
Sleep? I had a dream I went into labor while we were in Elyria and was frantically telling Joe in the dream we needed to get up and hurry back to Columbus.  I guess I was a little paranoid being out of town as my due date gets closer (even though there are no real signs of me going into labor anytime soon).  I have gotten much more efficient at getting in and out of bed, and off of the couch.  Or maybe I am just used to it? :)
Best moment this week? Christmas with family.
Miss Anything? Being able to tie my shoes easily.
Movement? Still lots of big movements.  Kick counting is pretty much a joke since I can get 10 kicks so fast.  I often see arms and legs pushing out in different directions from my belly. 
Food cravings? Chocolate milk.
Labor Signs? On Sunday night I had some pretty strong Braxton Hicks contractions that woke me up in the middle of the night and lasted about 15 minutes.  I felt them a lot in my back and had to get up and walk around to relieve them.
How is mama feeling? Very happily much better all around this week! 
Looking forward to? Christmas with the Lude Family.  Our last road trip before Baby L!

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