Thursday, June 18, 2015

8 Weeks....First Ultrasound!

Our first prenatal appointment was on Tuesday.  We really liked our OBGYN.  She is very knowledgeable and personable.  The appointment started out with a million questions, peeing in a cup, and then the fun part... the ultrasound!!  Joe was laughing at me because even though I had just peed I felt like I had to go again.  Between pregnancy and lots of water my trips to the bathroom have been very frequent. I kept telling him I hope I didn't pee my pants (or lack thereof) during the exam.  Fortunately I did not, but I have a feeling I will have more actual embarrassing moments in my future.

So the good news is everything looked great from the ultrasound!  I have full clearance to continue any yoga, running, TRX, etc. so long as I keep my heart rate under control, stay hydrated, and modify as my body changes.  She found our lil peanut (as she called it...much better than "Cletus the Fetus" as Joe was referring to the baby yesterday...I had to nix that one!) right away.  Yes there is only one :)  And apparently I more than likely ovulated from my left ovary, who knew?!  The most amazing part was seeing the lil heart beating up on the screen.  It is incredible to see in something so tiny.  We were able to hear the heartbeat, and I think we both got a little emotional.

There's a baby!!

So tiny

HR 154 BPM, although she said it may even be a lil faster :)
So based on my last menstrual period, my due date is January 28.  But she is measuring me closer to a due date of February 1.  I go back in a few weeks and she will do another ultrasound.  At that point, she will decide if she is going to change my due date or not.  Either way we are just happy to know we have a healthy baby on board!

On Tuesday night, I went to the Nelly, TLC, NKOTB concert with Callie and a bunch of her friends.  She posted a picture of all of us on Facebook and her Mom, Chris, made a comment that all 8 of you look great! Three of the six of us are pregnant, but I am the only one who hasn't made it public knowledge.  I had to resist the urge to say "Chris don't you mean all 9 of us?!" :)

Joe called our friends, Jason and Lauren, last night to tell them the news.  I think he was really itching to tell someone (Joe is really awful at keeping secrets, this is not easy for him!).  I also let him tell our boss, Jim, who is so excited for us!  So next time we go on one of our triathlon/running adventures with Jason and Lauren, I guess we will have a new lil one in the cheering section!  We are going to start sharing the news with the rest of our friends and all of Joe's siblings after my family visits this weekend!

Baby is the Size of a Raspberry

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