Sunday, December 27, 2020

18 Weeks. Santa Baby

18 Weeks Baby Is the Size of a Tall Frappuccino 

Total Weight Gain/Loss? 7 lbs
Maternity Clothes? All the time
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Sleeping good most nights. Not having to get up to pee as frequently. Taking small naps when I can.
Best moment this week? All things Christmas
Miss Anything? No
Movement? I am definitely feeling some small movements if I am sitting still
Food cravings? No but I have eaten way too much Christmas cookies. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? I can't stand the smell of bourbon!
Gender?  Both of the kids are saying it is going to be a little brother now
Labor Signs? No.
Belly Button in or out? It’s popping out, but no worse than a month ago
Wedding rings on or off? On
How is mama feeling? Good
Looking forward to?  Anatomy Ultrasound

December was a very fun and busy month. I am pretty sure that despite things feeling different to us adults with all the Covid craziness, the kids didn’t notice a thing. It was a magical month full of the Christmas fun we usually have. 

We scheduled a COVID friendly Santa visit at Cabela’s. Santa wore a mask, there was a plastic shield in between, temperature checks, and absolutely no sitting on Santa’s lap. Amelia wanted nothing to do with the big guy and happily accepted these “new and improved” rules. We came home and had an impromptu family photo shoot, that later became our family Christmas card photos.

We went to Zoo Lights on a relatively mild evening. The timed entry and limited crowds made for a much more pleasant experience. Covid has helped a few things!

We did all kinds of fun Christmas baking. Sugar cookies for Santa, pancakes, and gingerbread house decorating.

Lude Family Christmas was small this year. Some were sick, and we didn’t see the extended family at all. But as Bran said as we were leaving, “that was so much fun!!!” The kids got letters back from Santa! And they both made us ornaments at school that Mama of course adores. It’s easy to dwell on what has to be different, but the kids find happiness in the simplest of things, and I have learned to do the same.

Christmas was perfect. We spent the day at home with just our little family. It was simple. We put out our reindeer food and cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. And we even had an unexpected beautiful white Christmas (we probably got 4 inches of snow, after them just calling for a dusting at most). Bran was up first around 6:30 and ran downstairs, slammed the “chimney” shut that Santa had left open, and ran back up to let us know Santa had left presents. Much to our surprise he patiently let the rest of us sleep in until about 8. Gift opening went quickly. But the rest of the day was spent playing with toys, and playing outside in the snow! It was really one of my favorite Christmas days ever. I can’t even believe next year we will have a 7 month old in the mix. My heart is so full!!!

On the pregnancy front, no big news. I had my second OB appointment and everything is right on track. I am feeling little kicks which is super exciting. I can’t wait until Joe and the kids can feel them too. The kids regularly lift my shirt to talk to, kiss, tickle, and blow raspberries on the baby. It’s really cute, and they are happy to report that the baby is getting bigger! (Haha). One of the big topics of conversation at my appointment was Covid, and especially the availability of the vaccine and whether or not I could/should get it. Dr. Turner was very optimistic about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine even though it has not been formally tested on pregnant women. And by working in healthcare I definitely have a higher exposure risk.  Much to my surprise they decided to allow pregnant women to get the vaccine. So after careful consideration, research, and mindful conversations with some trusted friends and colleagues, I decided the safest and best decision for myself and family was to go ahead and get the vaccine. I got my first dose a few days before Christmas, and get my second dose at the end of January! I am hopeful the baby is actually passed on some immunity through me. And at the least I am comforted in a controlled immune response to this terrible virus. I don’t want to be one of the pregnant women you hear about on the news, it really is scary. I know the risk was probably small, but I feel much more comfortable knowing I will now be more protected. I am happy this is a step in the right direction for some normalcy. I can only hope things continue to get better before Baby L 3.0 makes his/her appearance in May!