Sunday, July 1, 2018

OBX 2018

We went to the Outer Banks Memorial Day week for our first vacation as a family of 4. It was a kind of last minute decision that we decided to go with Jeremy, Nikki, Greer, Chris, and Grandma Lude since they had enough room for us. The pictures from vacation are full of good memories. And that's the reason no matter how much work it may seem like we are still trying to get out and do things with the kids, because it's all about making memories! But truth be told the trip was a lot of work (starting with packing) and tiring! The drives were long but I have to admit now that I am no longer living them the kids did great all things considered.  Bran's potty training didn't fall apart which was a huge win. Amelia basically went on a bottle strike while on vacation and refused to do anything but nurse.  I felt a little overwhelmed with it at times (I think I had it in the back of my head I would get more breaks on vacation by pumping bottles for her), but I also got super comfortable breastfeeding just about anywhere. In hind sight, we missed having her favorite napping spot (the swing) so nursing became a comfort measure for both of us to get some rest. But thankfully overcast days (never thought I would wish for those) and a toddler that absolutely loved the beach made for a vacation that we spent more time at the beach the ever before. We actually barely touched the pool, and that was fine. Days got busy quick and it was time to go home before we knew it. We got our toes in the sand and enjoyed the sounds of the ocean which we didn't think we would be doing this year, so we'll call it a win.

Amelia's first time at the beach.

I don't know how she sleeps with her head like this!

Cheers! Bran's new favorite thing to do. 

A tropical storm came through so we had a pretty rainy day that we had to find other things to do to entertain the kids. We took them bowling (which Dada says we are not taking Bran to go again until he is at least 5, haha!). Unfortunately Bran did not have the attention span to play a whole game so it became quite the chore to chase him down to come bowl for his turn. He was much more interested in running around the bowling alley. But hey at least we got some cute pictures in tiny little bowling shoes?! After dinner we went out to eat and Bran got spaghetti, he made a huge mess all over himself eating the "snakes!".

Pregnant Aunt Nikki kicked our butts. 

We also made a visit to the OBX Aquarium.  Bran loved it! And Amelia spent the majority of the time walking around nursing on Mama because we did not time the feedings very well, it is hard with a large group!

Bran liked the dinosaur exhibit, except when they made noise! We went through a little forest walk filled with dinosaurs and it was so hilarious because he saw some baby dinos and was like "aww, that's cute", than mama roared and he yelled "all done, all done, all done!"

Amelia had some extra company for her weekly picture.

Baby dolls :)

Daddy had brought along some boogie boards, and it was a huge hit with Bran.  He really enjoyed "catching some waves" with Dada!

We made our usual trip to I Got Your Crabs and we were a little disappointed Bran wasn't as into the seafood this year.  But to be honest, it is always hard to get him to sit down and eat when we go out to eat these days. He did get to pet a crab on the way out which he thought was awesome.

On our last beach day Bran and Greer made some friends that spent a good couple hours playing with them, it was great!

Bran loved this squirt toy.  Unfortunately he thought Amelia wanted to "play" with it too and squirted her in the face at one point.  She did not like that at all!!

His third trip to the OBX and he's not even 2.5!

Too tired to make it to bed for his nap.

Our last night, and a way too late of dinner out made for an interesting family picture.  Bran was asking to go "home" by this point.  I think he was worn out. But hey we all survived and had some fun along the way! Now he keeps asking to go back to the beach!
Bran got a little messy with some chocolate on the ride home.
Looking forward to planning another vacation, hopefully soon! Now that we are finally recovered from this one! :)