Monday, July 4, 2016

Bran...5 Months

June has been a busy month full of many firsts and milestones for Bran.  He is changing so much and seems to be doing something new everyday.
Really Mom, you had to take my picture in the pink float?!

Weight: About 17 lbs.

Sleeping Pattern: Sleep has been crazy this month! Between traveling, sickness, a growth spurt, and increased movement Bran has spent the vast majority of the month being up 2-3 times (or more!) at night.  Thankfully things started settling back down by the end of the month.  We had been swaddling Bran arms out but completely ditched the swaddle (at Bran's request) by mid month.  As soon as we stopped swaddling in the wrapsack Bran immediately starting rolling over onto his belly in the crib and now that is the only way he will sleep.  The first time it happened I was doing the dishes during a nap with the sound turned off on the monitor (Bran sometimes likes to cry for 5 or so minutes when you put him down before he will fall asleep).  I glanced over at the monitor to see Bran flipped over.  I ran upstairs to check on him (especially since I had the sound off when he did it) only to find him fast asleep.  At first he was rolling over and sleeping right in the middle of the crib. Now we really appreciate the rails on the crib because Bran cruises the whole crib at night. You never know where he is going to end up by morning!

Feeding Schedule: We started adding solids into the mix this month.  We tried cereal for the first time while we were on vacation and he didn't really like it very much.  But a couple weeks later Bran took to eating from the spoon.  The first food we tried after cereal was avocado, which he liked but was very messy at first.  We also tried banana this month which Bran LOVES and can't get enough of.   Apple was our last addition and he liked that as well.  He's enjoying a couple small servings of solids everyday now.
Still not sure about cereal at this point.
Total mess but he loved it! Messy pictures are the best.
Enjoying dinner outside with Mom and Dad. Yummy avocado.

Bran Likes: Playing in the exersaucer. Being upright. Being tickled. Splashing in the bath tub. Watching the dogs play and getting kisses from them.
Bran thinks it is so funny when Dad makes him go "bouncy, bouncy, bouncy".

Bran Dislikes: Getting stuck on his belly.  Being in one place for too long because he is an extremely active baby.

Changes This Month:
Since Bran started solid foods we decided to get Bran's high chair out.  He was so incredibly excited the first time we put him in it. He loved being up high and enjoying a different view while sitting up like a big boy.  He couldn't stop laughing and smiling.  He was so excited that by the time we got to actually trying a couple bites of cereal he started nodding off and eventually passed out in his high chair.  It was hilarious!
All smiles the first time in the high chair.

Bran is a rolling machine now.  Bran has been rolling over (only to the left at first) all month.  The first time it happened was when we were on our beach vacation.  Aunt Renee, Aunt Nicole, and the singing cow were just enough excitement to get him over.  He is extra active when we let him play in just his diaper.  By the end of the month Bran added rolling to the right to his bag of tricks.  He can also get over from belly to back when he is in his crib and has other things to push off of.  He hasn't been able to do it while laying on the floor yet.

Bran has been obsessed with his feet.  He loves sucking on his toes and swinging his legs around to get turned around.

What We Have Been Up To:
Bran went on his first beach vacation to the Outer Banks.  He loved the beach and the pool.  It looks like we are going to have a water baby.  It was a much different vacation with a baby but we really enjoyed experiencing all of the new firsts with Bran. We took a walk with Bran in the ergobaby carrier almost every morning.  He loved it and would take a nice nap while Joe and I enjoyed the cool ocean breeze.
Bran really enjoyed swimming in the pool.  He would nap or hang out in the carrier when he wasn't swimming.
Mommy was a little nervous about this pool float but Bran really enjoyed being able to kick and play. 
Just hanging out at the house. Learning to roll and enjoying all of the extra attention.
Bran's first time at the beach. Grandma joined in on the fun!
Bran really enjoyed putting his feet in the sand.  The water was a little cold and would surprise him when he got splashed.
Bran just wasn't acting quite himself as the vacation went on.  We kept thinking maybe he was teething.  But on the last night of vacation while we were enjoying a low country boil at the house, Bran got massive diarrhea.  Unfortunately that and some projectile vomiting continued through the evening and our entire 11 hour drive back to Columbus the next day.  We stopped 4 times and were 4 for 4 on blowouts, 3 of which got all over the car seat.  It was a nightmare!  I rode the whole way in the back with Bran because I was paranoid (even though he wasn't acting bad).  I was worried, especially with it being so hot out, that he would get dehydrated.  Fortunately we made it home okay.  The diarrhea continued all week and I had to call off of work twice (that was a first).  Luckily we had Bran's 4 month check up during all of this.  The pediatrician assured me it was just something viral and unfortunately would just have to run its course. I have never done so much laundry in my life! Joe almost barfed a few times. So we survived our first big sickness for Bran, and surely not the last.  Nothing can prepare you for this part of being parents!

We celebrated Joe's first Father's Day just hanging out in Dublin.  We went on a small hike at Indian Run Falls Park and enjoyed some ice cream.  We even got to cheer the Cavs on to a championship that night! (Well Bran may have been sleeping, but he did sleep in his Cavs clothes of course.  And now he can say he was born the year the Cavs won a championship, the first for Cleveland in 52 years).
Sleepy Bran and Daddy.
Just hangin' with Dad on Father's Day.
Peg was in town for her retirement party.  We had a fun time catching up with friends (Peg's Asheville crew who have all moved back to Columbus).  It was hard to believe Bran weighs more than Grace now, and she is 10 weeks older! It is fun to be surrounded by some many friends with growing families.  Bran will have lots of great friends to grow up with. Now if only we could get Aunt Peg to move back to Columbus!

I celebrated my 30th birthday this month.  Joe was on call and I was just thankful he did not spend the entire weekend at the hospital.  We spent the day hanging out at home, going to a kid's birthday party, and pigging out on sushi.  Our friends Laura and Andy came to hang out at our house that night to help celebrate (which is great so we could have adult time after we put Bran to bed). I think thirty is going to be a great year, especially now that we have Bran in our lives.
Mommy and Bran on her 30th birthday.

We went on a road trip to Cleveland to visit Jason, Lauren, and their new son, Cohen.  Cohen was only two weeks old and this was the first time Bran was around a baby younger than him.  We had a great time visiting and look forward to many adventures with them in the future.  Bran looked HUGE next to Cohen.

Bran also had his first visit to the Columbus Zoo with our friends Laura and Andy.  He napped the first half of the day, and spent the second half just kicking and giggling while riding around in his stroller.  We had a great day!  I look forward to when Bran will enjoy all of the animals.

Photo Ops:
Sick baby snuggles with Mommy.  Enjoying the moment because he doesn't snuggle like this much anymore.
Bran and Mommy look a lot alike.  I need to get a side by side with an old photo of Daddy.
Starting to outgrow (and take apart) all of the baby things.
Bran loves Sophie.  Izzy and Buddy are so good about leaving his squeaky toy alone.